Friday, August 6, 2010

The Heat

It sounds crazy, but I'm annoyed with the weather. I know, I have no control over the weather, which in turns annoys me even more. Why is it so hot? And please don't start with the Al Gore global warming stuff. Not true. It's just hot's HOT!! Ugh.. who can carry on in any type of activity in this weather? As a runner, these are grueling times for us. I so prefer to run in the cooler temps. I tend to lose my endurance so much faster when I'm running in 95% humidity.

But, here is the good news. We run on safe streets, we run with each other, and above all we run for the shear love of it. We have to love it, right? So tomorrow I will attempt to run 8 one mile repeats and attempt to do it without walk breaks. Gulp. Lots of rest, water, and carbs should do the trick?

Hhhmmm....we'll see.

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